October 2006 Archives

Life Is A Miracle

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As much as I agree with the title of this missive I can't agree with my fellow WDDM viewers that the movie of the same name expresses that sentiment. I was completely baffled by the large number of people who gave this movie a 4 or higher rating (I gave it a 2) so the most interesting part of the evening was listening to the people describing their point of view at the post-movie discussion. Of course, anything would be interesting after sitting through that 2+ hour groaner. I think it's amazing how a small group of people can have such a disparity of opinions. Even if most of them are wrong...

Fish need computers!


Just got a 'confirmation' email for my poor departed fish confirming the purchase of a Sony laptop on his credit card. Heaven knows it must be boring in fish heaven but I wonder if they have a place to plug in the computer up there.

CN Tower climb (again)


I've again signed up for the Enbridge CN Tower Climb for the United Way. I'm not as ready as previous attempts; in fact it seems with each assault I'm in worse shape than the time before. I've barely begun the preparatory stair climbing here in my building. This morning I climbed the building twice but at a fairly slow walking pace. Two times is comparable to 62 stories compared to the 110 stories of the tower. This was the first time in a very long time that I've climbed the building twice and since I wasn't completely out of breath at the end I'm sure I'll be able to do the tower. Still, I'm used to passing people on my way up and as it is I'll be amongst the masses of the huffing and puffing rather than blazing (slowly blazing, more like a strong glow really) past them. I have two weeks to get better prepared. I'm going to try to do some sort of activity every day as well as cut out beer (no beer at pool! no beer at meetup events! no beer watching hockey!) and Tim Horton muffins. I think cutting just these two will be doable and will have some benefit: eliminate empty calories. If I can even lose a couple of pounds it will help.

The training regime has begun. ;)

Remember me?

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La la la, remember me? I used to write this blog. I don't have a good excuse for not updating it recently ... just keeping busy, I guess. If finally started going through my photos from Holland the other night and so far have 389 flagged for consideration. I have two days of the trip to go through before the major cull begins. After that I should have it down to a reasonable number for display at least for an online slideshow. Then probably a further cull to get the group to a size reasonable for boring people with in person. ;)

Stay tuned!