August 2006 Archives

A group of open source

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A group of open source coders are working on an operating system that can run Windows applications. It would be most amazing if there was an alternative to Windows that allowed people to run the applications they're already used to. The biggest hurdle that any new OS faces is the dearth of programs available to run. It's all well and good if the GUI is pretty and to have a killer file system but it's pointless if you can't do anything with it. I've had different operating systems installed on my computers over the years -- OS2, BeOS, various flavours of Linux -- but they all ended up being replaced by Windows as soon as I needed to get some work done. Being able to be geekily cutting edge AND being able to run Photoshop would be the cats meow...

Old blog entries


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This is a test using zempt to update the new blog.

A new beginning


Here we go again. After a drive crash wiped out the database for my old blog I decided to take the opportunity to start again with the newest version of the moveable type software, a new look and a whole new name. Jramble. Ramble! Can you imagine any more appropriate name...