Kindle coming to Canada

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Well, finally the Kindle is coming to Canada.  I did think we were being snubbed but apparently it was all about making a deal with a wireless carrier.  I love reading ebooks and while I'm not about to pay $260 for a book reader I'm expecting that this move will spur some nice healthy, price-reducing competition.  While I did read (and report) recently that ebooks may not be the slam-dunk ecological leader that I thought they were, I still find it way more convenient to have my books on the PDA rather than dealing with hundreds of paper books.   For sitting around the house having a dedicated device with a larger screen would be wonderful.  But, I don't want to be spending more than $75 on the thing.   They can make money from selling the books, don't be greedy.  ;)   Didn't they learn anything from Gillette?

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