To boom or not to boom

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I was born in '61, which is interesting for more than being the birth year of Barack Obama.  It's also a year that is either one of the last years of the Baby Boomer generation or the beginning of Generation X.

An article about Baby Boomers and social networks includes the quote: "Younger Boomers (ages 43 to 52) and 39% for Older Boomers (ages 53 to 63)" which puts me well into the boomer group, whereas Wikipedia suggests "the Canadian boom took place from 1946 to 1962", putting me right at the tail end.  Wikipedia also suggests that Generation X envelops "the birth years as 1961 to 1982" so I get a GenX membership card too.

I'm content enough to be following the boomers: I figure by the time I need all the geriatric facilities they'll be ultra modern and have all the kinks worked out of paying for them on a lower tax roll.  Not to mention they'll be begging for clients after the big bulge of them start dying off... 

'61 rocks.

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