I have returned


Back in Toronto by popular demand for an extended engagement ... me!

OK, yes, I did have to leave The Netherlands eventually ... a language I barely had a clue about, everything (and everyone) too cute for words, everything twice as expensive as here and no Tim's! No one can survive that.

The trip was good ... spent a lot of time driving around taking pictures of old buildings. Hopefully I took pictures of the right buildings ... i.e. the architecturally important ones rather than just the pretty ones. I was trying to cover a lot of ground in 5 days so I was pretty rushed in all the cities and towns I visited. Spent some time talking to a gentlemen in the rain in an alley in Nijmegen about the history of the region. I do want to look into this more, it sounds fascinating. Plus, the fact that they are starting to uncover remnants of life there 800 years ago is very intriguing. I took 2100 digital pictures (a lot of maps and road signs so I could remember where things were) so I expect to have *something* decent!

I also spent time visiting the areas of Holland my parents lived before the emigrated. It felt good to get in touch with my roots a little like that.

Now I'm back in city which has a visible history one tenth as long! Still should explore it too. ;)


It is nice to walk out any door in Europe practically and feel like you're in a living museum...Some Europeans I've met seem a little tired of it all and like the 'new' feeling of North America. A 'grass is greener' effect for sure.

Will be looking for one of those 'decent' shots here soon.

there y'are! and it sounds like a had a great time. (nice wheels there.)

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