CSV files are pretty neat

CSV files (for ‘Comma Delimited Values’) are spreadsheets where the information for each ‘cell’ is stored in the file as a string of text ending with a comma. Each ‘row’ of the spreadsheet is terminated with an character. Easy-peasy. With this simple organization you can store information as plain text and still be able to display it in the familiar grid of cells that we’re used to.

Knowsynote’s built-in CSV viewer / editor also includes the ability to create links to other CSV files or notes. A history.csv file can serve as the entry point for organizing your class information which may have a schedule list with links to notes taken in each class, or URLs for research online material.

CSV files are everywhere: you can download your banking information or cell phone usage data as CSV files or download the output of online todo list programs (which shall remain nameless ;)).

And, since the files are plain text, in a pinch you can view and edit it in any text editor. This is also useful if the file somehow gets corrupted: you can get in there and fix it. Try that with one of the Big Office spreadsheet files!

There are CSV editing and display programs for most of your favourite tablets and smartphones. For Android devices I recommend CSV Viewer Pro for viewing and Office Suite Pro .